8 Steps to Building A Controlled Environment

8 Steps to building a controlled environment

*This post is part of a much larger pillar blog: The Complete Guide to Controlled Environments


We take great pride in helping our customers get the controlled environment they need for optimal work and product satisfaction.

Toward that end, we have designed an 8-step process that helps us be leaders in the controlled environment industry—and the reason why our satisfied customers trust us with their environmental control needs.

If you’re considering our services, we encourage you to take some time to get to know our process we laid out in this article.

Let’s get started!

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Step 1 – Introduction

Any relationship—whether business or personal—should start with a “getting to know you” phase. We take time to get to know you as a client, your industry , and your customers.

We’ll take time to understand your goals for your cleanroom environment and just how much you have set aside to spend on the project. We hope this step sets the stage for a good working relationship moving forward.

Step 2 – Discovery

In this second step, we dive into the details. We research and research (and then research some more) so we can understand your goals and needs thoroughly. We also work with you to understand the details of what you require.

Step 3 – Design

After gathering all the information we can, we set our designers loose to put those details into motion. Our team works together to meet your cleanroom needs while at the same time sticking to the budget and staying on track with your goals.

Step 4 – Presentation

During the presentation phase, we unveil all our design work and projected costs to you, the client. We love this phase because it becomes our jumping off point for reaching your vision for your controlled work environment. Plus, you really begin to see your vision come to life.


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Step 5 – Revise

During this phase, we’ll make the revisions that you requested during step 4 to ensure that the final design meets your precise vision.

Step 6 – Deliver

Once we agree on the final revisions, the construction process can begin. This is where our expertise and your valuable input begin to really show through as our team of professionals complete the build phase.

Step 7 – Launch

Possibly everyone’s favorite step in the process is the launch. This is the point when the build and installation are complete, you are completely satisfied with the end-product, and the cleanroom is ready for you to put to use.

Step 8 – Deliver

When dealing with the professionals at AVM Group, you can rest assured that we take this final phase as seriously as the first.

After installation, we continue to be available for expert services such as employee training, third-party certification, precision cleanroom cleaning and maintenance, and much more.



Any controlled environment construction company worth their salt has a proven process that all but guarantees success time and time again. We hope you enjoyed reading a bit about ours.

If you’re in need of a controlled environment, reach out to us!


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