3 Big Ways Humidity Affects Drywall

3 Big Ways Humidity Affects Drywall

*This post is part of a much larger pillar blog: The Complete Commercial Drywall Guide


Drywall, also known as plasterboard or gypsum board, is a widely used building material for constructing walls and ceilings. It is durable, relatively easy to install, and provides an effective and affordable solution for finishing interior surfaces.

However, drywall can be sensitive to changes in humidity and may be damaged by high levels of moisture in the air.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing how high levels of humidity can negatively affect drywall.

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#1 – Drywall Distortion

One of the main ways in which humidity can be harmful to drywall is by causing it to warp, bulge or even crack. When the moisture content of the drywall is not properly balanced, it can lead to swelling or shrinkage, which can cause these issues.

This is especially important during the install of the drywall.

If drywall is installed when it is humid, it will dry out and result in large cracks. This can be unsightly and may require costly repairs to fix.


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#2 – Growth of Mold

High levels of humidity can also lead to the growth of mold on drywall.

Mold is a common problem in homes and buildings with high levels of humidity, and it can cause serious health problems if it is not addressed. Mold is difficult to remove, and it can be especially difficult to remove from drywall.

Preventing mold growth is important not only for the health and safety of the occupants of the building, but also for the integrity of the drywall itself.

#3 – Structural Instability

In extreme cases, high levels of humidity can cause drywall to break down and become structurally unstable.

This can be a serious safety hazard, as the drywall may not be able to support the weight of the objects it is meant to hold.

This can require the replacement of the drywall, which can be costly and time-consuming.



To prevent these issues from occurring, it is important to maintain appropriate levels of humidity in a home or building.

This can be done through the use of a dehumidifier, proper ventilation, and sealing any leaks or moisture sources. By controlling humidity levels, it is possible to protect drywall from the harmful effects of excess moisture.

Overall, humidity can be harmful to drywall, leading to warping, mold growth, and structural damage.

By maintaining appropriate levels of humidity, homeowners and building owners can protect their drywall and ensure the longevity and safety of their walls and ceilings.

By taking steps to control humidity, it is possible to prevent these issues from occurring and to protect the investment made in drywall as a building material.

Check out our blog to learn more about commercial drywall.

Need help with your next drywall installation? Contact us.


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